Research, writing, Editing

I truly love the act of research, of uncovering secrets and finding clear and concise ways to share them.

Below are some examples of my research, writing, and editing skills along with published samples. 



Whether you need to research a prospective investor or a product’s LCA, I can help! Click for my Exclusive Interviews with AJC International Director of Interreligious Affairs Rabbi David Rosen, my report on Effectiveness of Environmental Impact Assessments in the Mekong River Region, and Trying to Find Simcha in Simchat Torah, a holiday article I edited for Rabbi Eryn London.

Social & environmental justice

I am passionate about exploring topics related to climate change, human rights, gender equality, and the links between these subjects. Click to read my published piece on Today’s 10 Plagues, connecting Passover to World Health Day, and to read my summary of Toronto in Eco Trouble

Educational content

With about 10 years’ experience in education, I offer lesson plan design, curricula development, student assessment, and more! My specialties are the humanities (English language, literature, and history), the fine arts, and environmental science. Click for a model lesson on sharks.